Born 1981, Tokyo (Work and live in Tokyo and Paris)
Shunsuke’s work is focused on the concept of trans-culture employing varied media such as photography, painting, video and installation. Having exhibited in Europe, US and Asia, He is drawn towards experimentation and exploration of personal memories and myths contained in spaces or given environment. Shunsuke uses different elements of his work as tools to invite his audiences to look at different points of view while constantly posting questions “Where are we from? Where are we heading to?”
Admitted in ENSBA, Paris, France
MA in Fine Art, Université de Toulouse-le-Mirail (Toulouse II), Toulouse, France
A LEVELS in Litterature, Fine Art Course, Lycee Emile Duclaux, Aurillac France
La/Pas La (Here/Not Here), 100 Tonson Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand
No Man's Land, French Embassy, Tokyo, Japan
Terra Incognita, Galerie Andre et Catherine HUG, Paris, France
Verbless voices, University Toulouse le Mirail, Toulouse, France
Carnet de Route, Galerie Can'Art, Toulouse, France
Trickle-down Theory, Korjaamo Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
Zensors Project 2nd Edition, performance jam session, Bencab Museum, Baguio, Philippines
Masculinity Brand Fair, Nicolas Hayek Building, Ginza, Tokyo
Facing East, Gallery Point Of View, NYC, USA
Suspended Melodies, Youkobo residency, Tokyo, JAPAN
Un hiver a Beijing, 3+3 Gallery, Beijing, China
Human, Galerie Andre et CatherineHUG, Paris, France
(Foliage Sea), Dar De Rien, Limoges, France
(Limbo), ZAIM, Yokohama, Japan
E-Art Festival, Shanghai, China
MJA, Mission Jeunes Artistes, Toulouse, France
Festival ManifestO, Toulouse, France
(Porträt), La Galerie, Foix, France
(Foliage Sea), Forum de l' Image, Toulouse, France
Laboratoire Artistique Lost Eden, Dar De Rie, Villefranche de Rouergue, France
(Lilliput), COMPOSIT, Aspet, France
(Desire), COMPOSIT, Toulouse, France
Art / Science, Univ., Paul Sabatier, Toulous, France
Le Sens / Les Sens Verbless voices, Forum de l'Image, Toulouse, France
Dreams and conflicts: COMPOSIT the dictatorship of the viewer, Toulouse, France
Body and Identity, Univ., Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
A deux, Traverse Video festival, Toulouse, France